Anybody listen to REAL music here?

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Anybody listen to REAL music here?

Post by xxxDarkKatanaMasterx »

I don't think this fits anywhere else, but I wanna talk about some REAL music that I listen to. Heh, it might be too hardcore for some of you

basically I'm a huge fan of avenged sevenfold. My friend showed it to me at school and its basically the hardest music ever. They have such a good guitar and the singer is cool, just like me.

I also like drowning pool. They have such a cool name and that one song, let the bodies hit the floor, is the coolest song ever written. My friend showed me an awesome counter strike video playing it

so yeah, I don't think anybody here can handle my music but I thought I wold share. If you listen to anything as cool as me let me know, would love some new music to play while playing cod 4 (getting prestige 99 soon)
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Re: Anybody listen to REAL music here?

Post by motsdrama »

yo my man, i think you'd really dig the MadWorld (Wii) Soundtrack. something about it emanates your vibes
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Re: Anybody listen to REAL music here?

Post by KaiTheAdmin »

Oh dude this is such a throwback, I used to love these bands when I was in school. I'm pretty sure a couple Avenged Sevenfold songs were on the halo soundtrack, super cool back in the day lol.

My buddy at work is a big metalhead, he really likes this band called Ice Nine Kills. I haven't heard any of their songs but I bet you would like them :D
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Anybody listen to REAL music here?

Post by sevenhundredbees »

Oh dude, I love harsh industrial! Here's some of my favorites:

Curve - Alligators Getting Up isn't the most heavy track from this album, Come Clean, but it's like a James Bond intro. I always feel so badass when I listen to it.

If you like hardcore music, you'll probably like almost everything by Skinny Puppy, but I especially recommend Harsh Stone White and the rest of the album VIVI SECT VI.

clipping.'s There Existed An Addiction To Blood is the greatest horrorcore album ever, but it's really not for the faint of heart or squeamish. I have a hard time picking a best track, but the most accessible one is probably The Show.
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Re: Anybody listen to REAL music here?

Post by neuromantic »

sevenhundredbees wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:45 pm Oh dude, I love harsh industrial! Here's some of my favorites:

Curve - Alligators Getting Up isn't the most heavy track from this album, Come Clean, but it's like a James Bond intro. I always feel so badass when I listen to it.

If you like hardcore music, you'll probably like almost everything by Skinny Puppy, but I especially recommend Harsh Stone White and the rest of the album VIVI SECT VI.

clipping.'s There Existed An Addiction To Blood is the greatest horrorcore album ever, but it's really not for the faint of heart or squeamish. I have a hard time picking a best track, but the most accessible one is probably The Show.
You dig Einstürzende Neubauten? Their new album is less industrial but the poetry through absurdism and noise is still very much a theme. Not harsh noise or industrial, but I have always found their first two albums amazing as Avant Garde art. Anyway. Skinny Puppy ftw. Been trying to get some friends into Coil lately hahah. It's been... Complicated lol.
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