Favorite retro machines

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Favorite retro machines

Post by KaiTheAdmin »

Hey all - I've been thinking about my favorite old computers, and I think one of the most important things is how they look lol. It's so easy to fall in love with a machine if it looks good for sure, so I wanted to see what your favorite machines are

Here are some of mine. I'm sort of a surface level guy haha so these are probably pretty standard.

I've always loved the Amiga line, especially the all-in-one machines. The 1200 is my absolute favorite, thing is just a thing of beauty.

I also like some of the 90s apple computers, right when Steve Jobs came back and let Jony Ive go crazy. The TAM is such a looker.
I actually have one of these machines, but I can't get any pics (at work lol)

It feels weird saying that the first generation iMac is vintage, I grew up with those things in every computer lab and bedroom so they still feel new to me. Just absolutely gorgeous machines.
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CAD Designer for four years, Hardware collector for 8 years and nerd since I was born :geek:

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